1) This is the best Ice Bucket Challenge by far. I almost peed my pants watching it.
2) This ring is calling my name.
3) Here are 40 tourist scams to avoid. This is a good infographic because I've personally seen several locals try to do this to me or others on travels. They sure are sneaky, but most of them can be avoided by not bothering with people trying to sell you things, just keep moving. For instance, I've seen women trying to sell the rosemary sprigs in Seville. I don't need these so I won't indulge them. My friend got scammed in Milan when a man grabbed her arm and put bird seeds in her hand. She got a picture with pidgeons but then he of course asked her to give him money. Also, I would never allow someone to take my picture who requested it. But I do occasionally ask someone to take my picture. Also, always ask the price of a cab ride before getting in. So many good tips here. Also, I'm not sure who in their right mind would accept a massage on the beach from a stranger.
4) Here is a bit of wanderlust fuel for you. 40 of the Last Fairy Tale Towns Left in Europe. While they have given a great list, I tend to disagree because I've seen plenty more story book towns in Europe!
5) 23 signs you might be addicted to travel. Yes and yes, except maybe number 7, why would you say no to stamps?
5) 23 signs you might be addicted to travel. Yes and yes, except maybe number 7, why would you say no to stamps?
6) I love the idea of camping out in a perfectly styled airstream trailer. Here are 6 of them that you can rent out throughout the world.
7) Frenchie Fix. Just a little cutie doing some cute things.
8) Won a pair of Sissy Yates earrings from a contest on the blog, You May Be Wandering. Thanks so much Sandra!

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great round-up! that list of travel symptoms - yes to all of the above! hah.